skruntskrunt – the new scrum
A weak tribute to white house and atari teenage riot.
skruntskrunt – the new scrum
A weak tribute to white house and atari teenage riot.
Artists: SkruntSkrunt and D.igital Title: Information Retrieval
Commentary on recent events.
FLAC: Source Code for visualization:
Special thanks to Lixin and Lixin’s Mom.
SkruntSrkunt - DKL DKLG
Source Code: (Supercollider)
I use primarily DynKlank and DynKlang from Supercollider and made 2 guis to control the paramters.
Audacity is used to record the video, I edited in kdenlive. ffmpeg recorded the video.
SkruntSkrunt – Stereo Beatings and Bit Crushing
Borys invited me to his synth-stravaganza so I did a livecoding set using chuck and emacs. This was at the Pawnshop in Edmonton on Whyte Ave 2013-08-22 (I’ll upload videos of the other performers later).
The first part is stereo beating, that is oscillators that are offset by a little bit interacting with each other on the speakers.
The second part is more oscillator swarms buzzing about like insects.
The third part is FM Vocal synthesis, some are just producing random phonemes, others are saying phrases.
Then the last bit is bit crushing, using functions based on t (f(t)) where t is the sample # we use that to make musical signals. Check out one-liner orchestras
Here is the repo of the chuck snippets I used that night! was the visualizer. is the emacs mode
Get ChucK
foggie and ganaa black market skruntskrunt - unlisted video
Automatically generated audio for Video shot by Foggie
Boreal Electro Acoustic Music Society SkruntSkrunt SWARMED SWARMED Tech Talk SWAREMD Source Code
This is 3 parallel FM tracks versus the backstreet boys.
½ of the sounds in this video are from this sound file:
The original video is here:
The track w/o the backstreet boys is here:
Mostitch tries to interpret the audio by running metrics on the input audio (backstreet boys) and then matches it to the closest audio from the fm synthesizer. Then it reports the index of the best match in the synthesizer. This best match aligns with a set of parameters that we feed back into the original synthesizer.
To give you some idea of the roundabout path we take here’s an example of how everything starts:
python fm/fmout.wav | perl fm/ fm/map.dump | csound -L stdin -o devaudio -+rtaudio=jack -dm6 ./fm/fm.orc ./fm/fmlive.sco
Source code here:
This version is 3 bands of FM synthesis stitched together with some hard stereo panning.
Please use the youtube doubler to view this, it’ll make more sense:
The only sounds in this video are from this sound file:
The original video is here:
Mostitch tries to interpret the audio by running metrics on the input audio (backstreet boys) and then matches it to the closest audio from the fm synthesizer. Then it reports the index of the best match in the synthesizer. This best match aligns with a set of parameters that we feed back into the original synthesizer.
To give you some idea of the roundabout path we take here’s an example of how everything starts:
python fm/fmout.wav | perl fm/ fm/map.dump | csound -L stdin -o devaudio -+rtaudio=jack -dm6 ./fm/fm.orc ./fm/fmlive.sco
Source code here:
This version is 3 bands of FM synthesis stitched together with some hard stereo panning.
Audience view of Abram’s set.
I was coding in ChucK The code was derived from this stuff:
@ Bohemia in Edmonton at Ramshackle Day Parade
SkruntSkrunt - Sound Shapes
Boreal Electro Acoustic Music Society Sea of Sound Festival put on with the New Music Edmonton festival.
Here is a demo of the big crystal with the tinfoil on the right channel and a 4.5k piezo contact mic on the left channel. There’s a toothbrush involved as well.
Home made piezo crystals + homemade amp and dehummer used to make noise.
Audio file:
Source code:
I updated the swarmed post.
I’ve been playing a little bit with piezo crystals. Some good how to videos include:
You just need soda ash (baking soda that you cooked) and cream of tartar to make these crystals.
So I made some:
I hooked them up with alligator clips:
I had to amplify the crystals to hear them:
The amplifier I used is described here: Fet Amp. It is very easy to source the parts from digikey.
I made a more permanent mic out of a crystal that I soldered:
I had TERRIBLE mains hum and I tried dealing with it in analog with a Twin T Notch Filter using a 1uF and a 2.2uF and 680 ohm resistors to cut out 60hz. It did not work well:
I eventually made some csound code to dehum for me.
Here is a demo of the big crystal with the tinfoil on the right channel and a 4.5k piezo contact mic on the left channel. There’s a toothbrush involved as well.
slight highlight from Noisefest, mostly SkruntSkrunt, i shot Xome’s entire set but it didn’t transfer from my cursed camera
Recorded from my wrist.